Yes, below is the written programming guide, and sign up for the video installation guide are at the top of this page:
Each kit comes with a programming button and toggle switch to make customizing your flashes fun and easy.
Hook it up and go OR, spend some time to easily program the flasher to your exact taste and style!
This Flasher has 3 settings:
- Flash Mode (1, 2, or 3)
- Amount of Flashes (1-14)
- Speed of Flashes (1-14)
To access the programming mode, the brakes must be applied, and then you push the program button once.
That opens up the first of three Setting menus: Mode
Mode Menu
Each time you push the button, the lights will flash to indicate the corresponding Mode you're in (ie: Flash twice = Mode 2, Flash once = Mode 1)
- Mode 1 - Basic Flashes, then steady. No Speed change
- Mode 2 - Basic Flashes, then repeat of Flashes Slow
- Mode 3 - Gradual Slowing of Flashes, starting fast, ending slow
Save Changes
After a change has been made, hold the button for 1 second then release. This will save your recent change and move you to the next Menu.
- Mode Menu - 3 possible Modes
- Flash Menu - 14 possible Flashes
- Speed Menu - 14 Possible Speeds
After saving settings in each mode, turn the power switch off, then back on again to see what your changes look like. Repeat the process till you love your new look!