The Lightsmen

This Online Academy will not only show you the crazy over the top custom work you might want to learn for yourself, but it will also break down how to earn extra cash with very specific, low skill level, low time consuming services you can start offering right from the start!


Cut Down
The Learning Curve

Jump in, follow the course modules, and fast track the process of gaining knowledge and confidence to crush any project.

Your Brand

Document your work, creating a portfolio of custom creations to share on social, that all have your name and style.

Your Income

Decide what jobs you want, how many to take in, and how much you want to earn as the result of your efforts. You decide your value and workload!

Build Awesome Projects, using the Latest Products, and Make Money doing it!

When you join this digital course with other like minded dudes, you'll be part of a community built on sharing information, and leading with value. The course creation itself is the result of questions and problems from people at all skill levels, including first timers, hobbyists, and lighting business owners.


50% Complete

Two Step

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